Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Getting out

Hello everyone. Just wanted to share some photos from a recent (recent as of May 2007) roadtrip up the 101 highway in California.

(click here for gallery)

Work had been real crazy for a while and I was in real need for a vacation. Memorial Day weekend was near and I decided a roadtrip would be a lot of fun. No other friends could make it and I had to decide what to do. It became a time to spend with my Father. When I set out, I didn't really have any specific plans or reservations except maybe stop in Santa Barbara to spend a night in a hostel. I gave up the weekend in prayer to God and set out in the late morning. I headed for Santa Barbara and as I got near, I thought it might be fun to stop at Santa Barbara's Brooks Photography school, to see if they had any upcoming workshops. I had been to the school once before and tried to find it by memory. All I could remember was that the school is up on a hillside that overlooks the city. To my dismay many of the streets looked the same. After dead ends and wrong turns, I would give up and decide to move on from Santa Barbara. Each time I gave up I would find another street that looked familiar, and it would encourage me to keep looking. After a couple more dead ends, I finally found the correct street. I forgot the landmark that is an old hippie bus parked on the street nearby. I found the school and made my way inside to the office. Just as I entered the registrar's office, they asked how they could help me. Just after asking for information on the school, they invited me along for a tour of the whole school. I went in thinking I would be at the school 20 minutes and then break for lunch, but instead got a tour of the whole school. They had a bus ready and waiting to take us to their three buildings around Santa Barbara. The tour was really cool but in the back of my mind I was thinking how badly I also needed to use the restroom. Then after the tour, we met with the head registrar for an interview to see how interested we were to enroll. I was interested but really wanted to hurry the process in getting to a restroom and move on in my little vacation. After a 30 minute conversation of "here's my email address, please email me any information", I left Brooks (after a quick stop to the restroom of course)...

And thus was the start of the trip...

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